Friday, September 25, 2009

Best house

Hello there!

We're having a House contest tomorrow!
You have time to decorate your house!

I'll be waiting for your invites tomorrow the 26th of September, 21:00 (Chobots time)
Winners will get citizenship and bugs!
See you!

P.S. Please don't spam! Just send your invites!


Stylish chobots!

Hello there!

I'm here to show you some stylish chobots I saw today!

I like your styles guys! Really nice outfits ;)


Who invites the most

Hello chobots!

Did you invite your friends to join Chobots world? This week the leaders are:
  • fratty - 19
  • odd300 - 9
  • rainbowcrown - 7
Well done guys! Fratty gets 3 weeks of free citizenship!
Odd300 and Rainbowcrown get 2 weeks f free citizenship!

Updated! Fratty cheated. Your account will be banned.
Do not cheat on the contests guys! We already warned you!


Monday, August 17, 2009


hey guys its lance618 here and CHAT BOX 2 IS HERE its at the bottom and i got a new backround for my blog :D.

ps: its a spider man 3 chat box

Sunday, August 16, 2009




Wow lance618 cool blog logo I wish I have that too but My blog
is ruined.So my blog that I will use is always yours.
And cool pet too!
I wish I have that too
I will make one pet too
Hi Mr. Tiger
I will call my pet junior


Saturday, August 15, 2009


hi guys i know how to crop now :D if u wanna know how to crop on microsoft go on youtube and sreaach how to crop on micro soft paint and click on the guy one if its there. ok uhhh i need more practice


Thursday, July 16, 2009


hi guys its lance618 here any guess wat hiki added me and i couldent belive it that she really added me i was at the park then i say hiki then i said hi hiki then she said hi back to me and then she added me but she might delete me :(

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

happy 40 b-day abbeymay

hey guyz its lance618 here and i want to say happy b-day abbeymay and i did this like thomas2 and i hpoe u like it abbeymay

Monday, July 6, 2009

pic of me and carlos

hey guys it lance618 here and carlos1 wanted to be in blog soo i took a pic of him and ill ask him if he wants to be a member of the blog


magic guy

hi guys its lance618 here there was a magic guy at that music thing and it was an agent!

lance618 has rocket boots and 30 shirt

and thx thomas2 4 helping me get rocketboots adn thx supernova 4 telling me how to get pics

-lance618 :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hiya guys look what i got in tinas rain on July 4th!
cool huh?
I missed it when it was in stores.
i also got the US hat!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

300 hits party

hi guys its lance618 here and there will be a 300 hits party!!!

sever: live star

time:18:20 (chobots time)

where: park

date: undefinded (not sure when date)
i will try to be there and ill ask thomas2 or supernova or splendid to help


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Im 100!

Hi chobots and bloggers,
today i am 100. Im having a party.
Time: 20:00 (cho-time)
Server: Live Star
Place: Park
The theme is numbers, wear your 10, 20, or 30 shirt if you dont have one thats fine mods if you are reading this try to come.
See ya there ;)

Monday, June 29, 2009

new poll

hi guys its lance618 here again and im just telling u i have a {poll and} its at the bottom and ill tell u why i diddnt put it at the thing because i clicked on the bottom add gadet and i diddnt know that it would end up at the bottom soo yea


Sunday, June 28, 2009

cool game

guys its me lance618 here i just played a new game its called i think and u can be a dinosur and watch out for me because my dinasuor is called captain and if u know how to get stuff comment and tell me how plz

- lance618

Saturday, June 27, 2009

lance618's ipod

hi guy it me lance618 again and i have a new ipod and it has beat it in it and i might get more michel jackson songs
~~ lance618

Friday, June 26, 2009

hikis amazing b day party!

OMG it was hikis party today and it rain about 5 or 4 times and it was at cafe st and the backround was changeing frist it was black i think and last was blue vayerman and chobot were there 2! and it rained i o u shirts peace shirts love shirts and it rained yellow ballons


Thursday, June 25, 2009

close to 200!

Hey Chobots and bloggers,
We are about 50 followers away from 200 followers!
ill ask lance if he agrees on this but,
we should have a 200 hits partay!
time: should be 20:00 chotime
server: vanilla
place: citizen graffiti
date: not discused
i will try to make it when it happens

trackers (lots of trackers)

hi everyone its lance618 here and i have some new trackers even mod and agent ones and i got my blog members trackers and i got myself my own tracker but i diddnt get the thomas2 one because someone in thomas's blog put it there i think it was jaktan

~ lance618

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My blog

Guys want my other site I dont use it anymore here

Sunday, June 21, 2009

mimo777 banner

hi guys its lance618 here im just gonna tell u that i have a new mimo777 banner and i just got it today (sunday june 21) and if u want to get it go to club penguin cheats then click on the first link then try and find the mimo banner
- lance618

Saturday, June 13, 2009

add a athour on my site

HEY Lnace618 I want supernovaooo to be an author on my blog
PLEASE!MY blog is


New Author

Hey chobots and bloggers! Im a new Author to this blog my name is supernova000. You can find me around chobots :). So thats what i needed to tell you. Bye!

Friday, June 12, 2009

new chobots homepage

hi guy there a new chobots home page and if u find that guy with that thing that u cut the grass he has a shirt that chobots dosent have and if u ture to the next page roll your arow over the cowboy suit then it will show u an agent badge


lance618 missed the rain and hikis party

im so sad because there was rain at the park and i just missed it because my friend was drawring me in the underground and i was talking about hikis party and i was so exited but guess wat i missed it :( :( :( :(

chat box

hi every1 this lance618 i have a new chat box and u can use it when every u like

- lance618

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Splendid's Blog

Hey Guys!

Check my site:(

Check my site always because you can see many cheats,glitches,hints and even tricks
Go to my site now be a follower!!!!!!!!

weird thing happend to lance618 (very werid)

my maximum of friends is 100 but i have 101 and i dont know wat happend

kool glitch

1 go to live star

2 there will be a map

3 click home sweet home on top of the under construction

4 then you will se the glitch but u will get stuck

_ lance618

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

how to go under a the cafe street chat bar

1 go to the park

2 go to the cafe (but not useing map)

3 click on some where

4 quickly pick a dance move when your under the chat bar

5 then you will be under the cafe street chat bar

Hey guys thomas2

Hey its thomas2 and u might no me i work on alot of blogs! heres mine check it out! cya!

new blog

hi every1 this is my new blog im gonna have some new updates and get some chobots to help me (like thomas2)